Joana Sousa's profile

Food App_Cantina ESAD®

App Cantina 

Esta é uma app que permite aos alunos, funcionários e docentes ficar a par do menu diário, semanal e ajuda a fazer as escolhas atempadamente. Dentro dos menus existe um extra, chama-se Menu Express. Este menu permite escolher itens que não constam no menu diário (refeição), tais como: sandes, saladas, sobremesas. 
Na landing page da app é possível personalizar o perfil de cada usuário, registando informações relevantes e condicionantes, possíveis alergénicos ou ingredientes indesejados, bem como a alimentação preferencial, por exemplo, vegan, etc.

This is an app that allows students, staff and theachers to keep up with the daily, weekly menu and helps to make the choices in a timely manner. Inside the menus there is an extra, called 'Menu Express'. This menu allows to choose items that are not included in the daily menu (meal), such as: sandwiches, salads, desserts.
In the landing page of the app it is possible to customize the profile of each user, recording relevant information and conditioning, possible allergens or unwanted ingredients, as well as preferential feeding, for example if they are vegan, etc.

Depois de efetuar o pagamento, desfrutar no seu spot favorito, apreciar da refeição, tirar algumas fotos e colocar hashtags das refeições dos menus do dia. No final a app, irá contabilizar os pratos com maior notoriedade entre todos, alunos, docentes e criar um chart com os favoritos de todas as categorias. 

After the payment, enjoy your favorite spot, enjoy the meal, take some photos and put hashtags of the meals of the menus of the day. In the end the app will count the dishes with greater notoriety among all, both students, teachers, etc and create a chart with the favorites of all categories.

Create your own library in your profile and become the best of two worlds: a food designer ! Food + Design + Passionate about photography = Future Food Designers :) In ESAD, a university of design and arts, it's legit to bond both, experts in edit pictures and create amazing layouts for your profile.

Cria a tua Biblioteca, carrega as tuas fotos, publica na app. Inspira-te e inspira os outros com um pensamento criativo e ganha popularidade entre os docentes, colegas e até futuras ofertas de trabalho podem surgir, se respiras, vês, se te colocas na linha da frente do design. Directamente do prato para a app.

Create your library, upload your photos, publish in the app. Inspire you and others with creative thinking and win popularity within the teachers, classmates and even future job offers can come up, if you breathe, see, you can be in the front line of design. Straight from the dish to the app. 

Welcome / Daily Menu ​​​​​​​
Kcal/ Carb/ Prot/ Lip/ Fibr bar, +info, ingredients / Menu Express / Exit / Log Out


Thank you !!

Mobile App, UI Design, Grids, Interface, Concept, editor photo image, icon design, pictogram, ios navigation, menu bar, user experience, user interface, user password code, mobile application
Academic project // ESAD 
UC Digital Media Design // Proposed by professor Diogo Vilar
April 18'

Food App_Cantina ESAD®

Food App_Cantina ESAD®

This is an app that allows students, staff and theachers to keep up with the daily, weekly menu and helps to make the choices in a timely manner. Read More
